Use of Administrative Data
Insight provides a range of consulting and training services for collating and analyzing administrative data.
The term “administrative data” refers to data that is routinely collected by organizations as part of day-to-day operations where typically there is little or no thought about the potential for subsequent data analysis at the time of data collection. A common example within the health field is patient data within a hospital describing aspects such as the date of admission and discharge of each patient, and the surgeries and treatments that a patient received during their hospital stay.
There are advantages and disadvantages of using administrative data. Advantages include the access to large quantities of patient data with minimal extra work required (subject to ethics and hospital approval). Disadvantages include that the data was not originally designed for data analysis, hence there may be any number of issues with data quality that may impact the accuracy of statistical results.
Insight provides a range of services for collating and analyzing administrative data.
Insight is based at the Gold Coast Health and Knowledge Precinct. The Precinct contains Griffith University Gold Coast, the Gold Coast University Hospital, the Gold Coast Private Hospital, and the Cohort and Lumina tech parks. Insight provides research, consulting, training, and IT support services for clients across the Precinct and for the broader international community.